The bucket is made of 0.80 mm DKP sheet metal.
The bucket diameter is 280.00 mm and its height is 490.00 mm.
The bucket is manufactured with a perforated cigarette ashtray, chain and handle on the top, and there is an ashtray chamber underneath.
There is a waste window on both sides of the bucket.
The hat on the bucket is made of 0.80 mm DKP sheet metal, is protected from rain and is manufactured in a plastered form, and is mounted by welding to prevent it from being stepped on.
The legs are made of 48.00 x 1.50 mm black pipe and bent into a half-moon shape.
Foot height measurement is 1,150.00 mm, the inside-to-inside measurement between two feet is 350.00 mm, the outside-to-outside measurement between two feet is 440.00 mm, and the foot bend radius is 250.00 mm.
A perforated round flange with a diameter of 75.00 mm and a thickness of 2.00 mm was welded to the feet to be mounted on the ground at four points.
The footed garbage bin will be painted in the desired color with electrostatic oven paint containing polyester additives.
The institution name or logo will be applied as a sticker under the front and rear waste window.
There are 4 steel dowels for each garbage bin connection.
Technical Drawing